  • When She Loves Me

    When She Loves Me

    By. Gabrielle Brandi

    She liked the simpler things in life.

    Like what was on the tv or whatever toys she liked.

    She loved adventures under the pale blue sky, she loved the way the trees would greet her as she would pass by. She loved the way the swings freely let her feel the cool air. She loved the way the wind whispered through her hair.

    She never let anyone stand in her way. Even on the rainiest days.

    When the sun wouldn’t shine, she would keep herself warm.

    On the days it would rain she would shelter herself from the storm.

    She dealt with things a child should never have to bear.

    Yet, she carried on humbly, with all her happiness she shared.

    There were the things that she didn’t quite love.

    She felt trapped within me as I grew up.

    There are days where she shines her light.

    To let me know she’s still here and full of life

    She loves making music on my beat-up guitar

    She loves expressing herself through art.

    She loves our old shows and our old songs we used to listen to in mom’s car.

    What I love about her most is that she loves deeply within her heart.

    But most importantly, you could see.

    Nothing else matters when she loves me.

    Gabrielle Brandi

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Gabrielle, this is so cute. My favorite line is “She loves deeply within her heart” because kids truly have such a unique way of loving and appreciating the things around them. You were such a bright child filled with so much energy and love. I am so happy that you have kept this lively child within you all these years and I hope that she stays with you forever ♥

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