

  • Veil of Vails

    In the street she hangs a halo that illuminates and captivates, but in reality there is chaos behind her veil.

    For you see, behind her veil lies a lifetime of perpetual betrayal.

    Betrayal that demands intergenerational portrayal, trajecting innocence and joy into a looming realm.

    In the street, She clings to Her vail, fighting to inhale glimmers of hope behind her eclipsing veil.

    For you see, behind Her vail is an inherited lifetime of perpetual war.

    A war that demands an election, to estrange akin to unveil intergenerational strain.

    In the street She illuminates despite Her reality. Behind Her vail, there is chaos in her realm.

    To my inner child I say: My dear, She hangs onto Her armor of vail, for you see, your election will prevail against her veil. Love you always, signed- Veil of Vails.

    Erika Kristina Garcia

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Erika, this is an amazing poem. I wish that more people were able to hear this. You truly never know what someone is going through. As you said, you were a very sweet and innocent-looking child, but you had some serious buildup of trauma and sadness. You would never guess that a little girl could be going through as much as you did. You are so…read more

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