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  • Oh, Wild One

    Oh Wild One,
    The way your untamed curls bounce in the wind, forming the sails on a boat to our own little wonderland in the sky. You dizzy dreamer you, always seeing the light in the caverns that shroud your life. A true fire sign, your laughter fills a room with even the worst of acoustics, your passion can be felt like embers escaping the flames that all but consume you. What beauty to be found in resilience, with the loudest shades of red, orange and magenta- in our favorite paisley pants that tell everyone “Here she comes!”. Our favorite ruby red slippers signifies our own hopes of finding our own yellow brick road in hopes of landing in Oz. The sounds of the early 2000’s ring through mom’s Grand Caravan and we live for the days when Auntie burns the latest Myspace takeover so we can forever remember the sounds that encompass the memories of a bygone era. When did you get so good at carrying a tune? You always admired those who made waves, made names, and made history. They labeled us as “difficult”, “distracted” “a troubled kiddo”. Our energy was never one to be contained, our genius never understood. They gave us “vitamins” to control our rambunctious wildfire in effort to dull the heat thinking it dangerous when all we wanted was to provide warmth and light. Let them stare, let them judge, let them scowl. After all, they could never measure up to your little legacy. Oozing with optimism, you’re a marvel all on your own. You have always been a star, burning bright amongst your friends who allow you to shine all on your own. The sounds of the swings recoiling from cherry bombs were always a favorite. To have the power to fly amongst the clouds, arms spread like a phoenix, serves one of our biggest dreams, so the swings will have to do for now (spoiler alert- at 24, that has never changed, but wait until you hear about Southwest Airlines). There will come a day when you do nothing but wish for these days back. I know that adulthood sounds so tantalizing. After all, ordering food whenever you want, listening to music and flying down the freeway with zero cares, unlimited shopping sprees complete with “sweet little treats” at the end, and endless nights of dancing and creating your own space to thrive sounds alluring. Remember in the movies when the rain came down in the clubs? Alas, you spitfire soul, those daydreams serve as little more than that. Enjoy the fountains of youth, dip your toes amongst the dew drops that arise in the patch of grass that grazes the curb at the bus stop, run out in the rain in that neon, flower power raincoat that could easily stop traffic. When the girls want to watch those Barbie movies, grab our favorite rugged “blanky” no one knows about from beneath Mr. Snuggles and enjoy the bubblegum pink fantasies even if you think you’re too old to do so. Your energy is eternal, our youth however, is not. Grandma was right when she said that time moves faster with each passing year, so make sure to take these passing moments in your stride. Mirrors never became our best friend but please know, no matter how much Windex you use, it will never be able to encapsulate the beauty you possess, the courage in your heart, the pain you turned into strength behind your toothy smile. Everyone is trying so desperately to find heaven, so don’t worry about giving them a little hell, kid. Everyone around you is trying so desperately to fit in-don’t fall for it. Your dimples, the perfectly imperfect crooked smile, your lustrous curls (P.S don’t straighten them so much- you’ll learn how much people envy those “frizzy” ringlets) and your giving heart all come together to create someone so important, so gracious, and a spirit that is so impenetrable. Please be gentle on yourself, we are all each other has. Don’t give up even when the “going gets going” as Nana says, I promise you, your story is far from over. Be kind, be brave, be fearlessly and unabashedly you. It truly is the best it gets.

    With as much love as you deserve,
    The evolved you.

    Gabby Sardenelli

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • This is awesome Gabby. I love how you describe your younger self as a “spitfile” that everyone is trying to calm down. I hope you care that energetic spirit with you today and I am glad you see how wonderful it is to stand out and be yourself – no matter how much people fight it. You were and are a star. So keep shining. Thank you for sharing and…read more

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    • The feed back means so much to me! Thank you for taking the time to read my piece and allow the true message to resonate. I appreciate the platform and the opportunity!

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    • Gabby, I love this! Your carefree spirit will hopefully be with you throughout your life. I love that you have always been optimistic, even during difficult times. Your willingness to stand out from the crowd is very admirable and I wish I was more like this! I find myself going with trends or what others say when I really should just be myself!…read more

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