

  • Your Little Secret Seed of Hope

    Dear Mom,

    My world, my rock, my everything,
    Every second I miss your soul,
    Since the day I lost your light,
    My heart has not felt whole.

    I’ve wondered vallies of darkness
    And sailed through seas of shame
    And crossed caverns of confusion
    And over mountains of pain.

    On my path I lost some peers,
    So all alone I conquered fears,
    And through the never ending tears,
    I found your gift of hope right here,

    Inside my heart, you gave to me,
    A gift far greater than anything.
    Your little secret seed of hope,
    Has help me cope with suffering.

    Like a tree, I’ve grown up strong,
    And it’s all been thanks to you.
    Your seed, your soul, your shining light,
    Is what has seen me through,

    I know that all this pain,
    Has all been for a reason.
    It’s taught me that I cannot run,
    I must embrace each season.

    I promise, mom, your gift is safe,
    I’ll cherish it oh so dearly.
    Thank you, mom, for all your guidance,
    I see my path now clearly.

    I am The Tree, I am The Light,
    And because I am your son,
    I will not keep this gift to myself,
    I’ll share it with everyone.

    Derrick Coleman

    Voting is open!

    Voting ends October 4, 2024 11:59pm

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    • Derrick, I am so sorry for your loss. I know that your mom meant so much to you and did so much for you. Your relationship and the memories that you made will always be with you in your heart. You are strong and will get through this!! ♥

      Write me back 

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