

  • You Were a Good One

    The way you lit up whenever I was around.
    The way I could trust you with my secrets and know that you would only share the things I wanted known to others.
    The hours we spent together in good company playing games, streaming movies, and making plans for the future.
    Sometimes I would shut you down when you were acting out of sorts, but I always knew that we could start fresh after taking some time apart, and we would both be better for it.
    And while you naturally opened up to anyone who cared to get to know you,
    You and I had a special bond and connection that was not easily hacked.
    It’s a shame that your time has come to an end, but I will still hold on to you for the treasure that you are to me.
    You were a good computer.
    Rest in peace.

    Cynthia M. Moore

    Voting is open!

    Voting ends October 4, 2024 11:59pm

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    • Cynthia, This was very clever. The end was a bit of a surprise and it’s always a good story when there is a surprise at the end. And I love a computer that’s not easily hacked! lol. Thank you for your creativity :). <3 Lauren

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