

  • What I love most about you, my inner child

    Is your willingness to love
    Your wide-eyed mystical stare of all the wonders that bare
    The soft, warm embrace from your innocence that escapes
    Only you felt the comforts of the world with eager arms wide open, throwing yourself into the unknown
    Allowing yourself to fall deep into the depths of it all
    And although it gets cold
    From time to time
    I want to remember to hug that little part of mine
    Because without that fearless truth
    That life engulfed you with unconditional light
    I’d battle these dark knights each night
    And still bottomless, you push to resurface
    Because it’s only you that could hold that part of mine
    The ugly parts that forgot your wondrous eyes and the smiles wide
    To abandon that life that was once mine
    I’ll fight each day to regain it
    For you.

    Asia Jalil

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Asia, this is adorable. Children have such pure qualities, one of which is the love that they have for others. The ability that they have to go with the flow is something that I want back!! They have it so easy and they don’t even realize it. I love the line “I’ll fight each day to regain it” because it is so important to keep our childhood with u…read more

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