  • You

    You are kind, almost to a fault, but I love that about you
    You root for the small ones
    There is never an insect that crosses your path who does not get moved to safety
    You care, truly and deeply
    And everyone can feel it
    You are delicate as a tropical climate; it’s a miracle how you brave the storms that pass through your mind
    Yet you remain hopeful, optimistic as sunshine
    You are so wild, how you dance, sing, and scream
    You feel so much, and you let it be seen
    You carve out your place
    because you know you belong
    You are passionate as hell
    you let us know what you want
    I admire you so much, and my greatest regret
    Is letting you be lost, letting myself forget
    But I owe it to us now, and we both know it’s true
    That I let myself, once again,
    be you.

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Cloey, I love this! It is perfectly normal to feel this way. Even though you may have felt your childhood self disappear for a while, that doesn’t mean that she wasn’t always with you. You just had to do a bit of digging to pull her out! I love how encouraging you were in your words! Your younger self would have loved to hear that. Great work ♥

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