  • I love you always

    To little Cher:

    I loved you young.
    I love you now.
    And I’ll love you old.

    Every single version that has brought me to where I am today.
    Where I was yesterday.
    Where I will be tomorrow.

    I love you.

    Your unapologetic way of being you.
    Each version of you.

    From the first word I spoke to the word I am re-learning now…

    The word is “no.”

    It shaped me.
    It made me.
    And now it’s changing me…
    reverting me back into who I was.

    I am becoming more and more me than I’ve ever been.

    Full circle.

    I am me re-becoming me.
    Being born again into myself.

    Re-learning how I unlearned boundaries.

    I said “no.”
    Did you hear me?
    No, I don’t want it.
    No, I don’t like it.
    No, I don’t approve.

    I protected my own peace.
    I drew a very straight line with my “no.”
    With my decisiveness.

    Somewhere along the way I started to say “yes.”
    Yes, even when I didn’t want it.
    Even when I didn’t like it.
    Even when I didn’t approve.

    I tried to keep the peace.
    My line was blurred by indecision.

    By keeping the peace for everyone else I broke my own.
    I destroyed myself pleasing everyone else.

    it came around again,
    full circle.

    My first word that later on I forgot how to say.

    Return to your childhood self.
    Become the real you.
    The you that you were before the world changed you.

    And I have.
    Thank you little me.

    I’m 30 now and I’m learning to say it again.
    It gets easier every time.

    You find your inner peace again.

    Thank you little Cher, for the wisdom you’ve brought back.

    ~ Older Cher

    Cheridan Smith

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Cheridan, this is SO good!! This was so creative and I enjoyed every line. Even though you felt as if you lost your voice for a while, I am glad that you are slowly regaining parts that you had lost. My favorite line of this is “Every single version that has brought me to where I am today” because so many people (good experiences and bad) want to erase their childhood from their memory. Even if they didn’t like what happened to them, the experiences they had shaped them to be who they are today! They wouldn’t be the same without them. Great work ♥

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