  • Dear GRAND-Tee

    Dear Grand-Tee,

    I really miss you sometimes.
    I wonder without you what I’m supposed to be.
    To be myself you made me believe, you helped me to see all those things before me.
    I know, I believe, I can achieve.
    You are my true friend and you are in my heart forever.
    You will always be my forever.I never thought in my heart, we would not see forever.
    To my life here tomorrow, I have a future because you were there.
    I can not go sometimes without crying and even laughing.
    I miss you every day. I’m so glad you were here to give me encouragement along the way.
    You always gave me a chance, gave me a cheer.
    Today is a good day to say Hi Grand-Tee.
    I’m so glad you were here.
    Even now I feel your sweet love from the grave.
    My love, you had to be!
    Grand-Tee you made me feel so praiseworthy!
    You keep me strong!
    You made me hope!
    I wish you were here so you can see what has opened..
    It is amazing, it seems like you were gone so long.
    But in my heart, you can never be gone!
    I miss you, I love you.
    You are my forever friend, so glad I had.
    Because I needed someone to depend.
    Tomorrow is gone. Today you are here. Tomorrow is for us.
    One day we’ll be together again as a team!

    Love you always,

    Charmaine Casimir

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    Voting ends October 4, 2024 11:59pm

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