  • chanalymariee submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Why Are You Worthy of the Utmost Respect?Why Are You Worthy of the Utmost Respect? 7 months ago


    A lot of you I’ve introduced myself as Chana but today you will know me formally, as Chanaly.
    You see Chana was so easily digestible,
    She was nice and to the point
    Different but acceptable
    Not for my lips or yours to pronounce
    But to read off a dock, is admissible.
    A couple of hiccups here and there but nonetheless, a spectacle.
    The awkwardness of a hand raised to correct, but forgettable.
    But Chanaly brought that fire, that sound of culture to the table.
    That rice and beans.
    The type of sound you hear when you eat meat, my mom said perfect.
    That sound was me.
    It was read like a poem
    The way the mouth parts to emphasize the vowels
    And create the flow of
    A name from my parent’s name
    Who celebrated their unison by having me
    Now it’s a reminder of once was
    What I’ve hidden in insecurity
    I now stand tall in awe of my uniqueness
    In that, I am one and nothing
    I am not a shortcut or a silent nod
    As a man tries an accent he’s never done it before.
    I am not Chanel or an SH,
    Or whatever name you switch out for
    To make yourself feel comfortable
    While I shrug off the embarrassment
    Because you went off on a whim
    Instead of asking
    Because your assumption log
    Gave away your mindset
    That I’m not important enough iyf
    To be mentioned
    Like the thousand of names before me
    That was too hard to pronounce
    So you gave them a John or a Smith
    And left them with no ounce
    Of identity and pride,
    To make it easy for your mouth
    Well I’m not easy or shy
    So you will say my name right.

    Chanaly Rodriguez

    Voting is open!

    Voting ends September 1, 2024 12:00pm

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    • Not so easily digestible anymore! This poem is 🔥🔥🔥

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    • Chanaly is such a great name! And you clearly carry it with so much swagger. What are your parents’ names? I love creativity. My parents were lazy with me “Lauren.” I love your confidence. Thank you for sharing this piece! <3 Lauren

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    • This is such a gem; I’m grateful that you shared it

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    • “What I’ve hidden in insecurity
      I now stand tall in awe of my uniqueness”
      This piece was powerful and full of realness!! I appreciate your for standing on direct business within this piece. It seems to be a perfect way to represent your repsect and make sure you show up for yourself as well. Thank you so very much for sharing!! This is another piece I need to hear live! 🙂

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    • Hi, Chanaly. Aiša here. Thank you so much for sharing about your name. I love how passionately you speak on the subject. What’s more to love is that when asked to think on why you deserve the utmost respect, you turned to your name! I see your poem as both an act of self-love and self-advocacy. I can certainly relate to all the unwanted attention—the feelings that come with baring a name that’s ‘too’ different. But at the end of the day, I wouldn’t have it any other way 🙂 Thank you for showing your name some love and inspiring me to do the same <3

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