

  • Little girl, well done.

    Little girl, wipe your beautiful eyes
    See through the blurry vision and quiet tears
    You have stayed silent all through the years
    Time stops like a clock
    But the years seem to fly by without a moment to pause
    Stuck in the trauma and worried mind
    Come to Jesus, He will meet you where you are
    Little girl lift your head, be transformed.
    Heaven is your home and God is your Father
    Run to Him for shelter
    This world has too many lies
    You wither and fade
    But in His image, you were made
    I love your smile and you always try your best
    You try to make the world laugh by your humor
    And you hide it all so well
    You persevere and love all truly
    This home you feel is just a place
    And a soft place to lay your head
    This world may bring you comfort but then again
    Little girl this won’t always be
    This moment is temporary and then you’ll see
    The lies were given and the hurt was told
    But God has you in His arms to hold
    So little Sabrina don’t you fear
    When you look back and see
    You have made your Heavenly Father proud
    Well done child.

    Sabrina Bailey

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Sabrina, this is so cute. Even though you have some things that you may want to change about your childhood, everything that happened to you shaped you into the great person you are today. You have overcome so much and become a lovely girl in the process. You are a great writer. Keep up the fantastic work. ♥

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