

  • Life is Hard

    Life is hard!
    I don’t make enough money.
    I can’t pay my bills.
    My car broke down.
    I’m sick and can’t afford the doctor bill.
    I’m stuck on autopilot!
    Then I received the best advice,
    I’ve ever been given.
    “Life doesn’t get easier,
    you learn to cope better!”
    I charged my thinking,
    which changed my actions.
    I worked three jobs and saved money.
    In a year,
    I was living more stable & comfortably.
    This advice has stuck with me
    and helps me through hard times.
    It has forever changed me
    for the better!

    Briar Hex

    Voting starts November 5, 2024 12:00am

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    • “Life doesn’t get easier,
      you learn to cope better!”

      That is great advice! We only get stronger as we face each adversity. I love the message you chose to share to the world, it’s something we could all use a reminder of from time to time.

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  • Survival to Serenity

    I’m hungry
    but there’s no food here.
    Will there be light tonight?
    Will the water be warm for my shower?
    Will I get sleep tonight
    or will there be yelling & drinking yet again
    or will my anxiety swallow me whole
    and give me the peace I crave for?
    As tears roll down my cheeks,
    I vow to never let my children experience this, when I become a mom.
    Now I have no worries.
    I’m safe, secure and happy!
    Cabinets and fridge are always full.
    Heat and A/C always on in my cozy home.
    Warm water when needed.
    Clothes are clean and fit properly.
    My children will prosper
    and go even further than me!

    Mercedes Zivkovich

    Voting starts October 18, 2024 12:00am

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    • Mercedes, I am so happy for you. Growing up so unfortunate, you wanted to give your kids the life you never had but always wanted. You should be so proud of yourself. Your kids may not realize it now, but they are being raised by an incredible woman who would do anything to help and protect them! Great work, I’m so proud of you.

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