  • Beautiful Little Potions

    I wonder what you’d think of me
    if I went to the backyard where you brewed potions out of acorns and fallen leaves
    and showed you all the scars the world
    and myself have left in me
    Would you say,
    “Oh, I’m so sorry!”
    While plastering
    Hello Kitty Band-Aids all over me?
    Because if you would,
    then I think I’d ruin it by asking,
    “Do you not recognize me?”
    Then I’d watch
    your dimples fade
    When you realize who
    Cause I know
    you’d only feel so much hate for a woman
    who straightens out
    the same curls as you
    But I wondered no longer
    when you screamed, “we’re so pretty!”
    Which was beautiful
    since it’s something I haven’t told myself
    in a while
    But it made me remember
    that you don’t feel judgmental pity,
    since you don’t have any crayons that come in that color
    How could you
    when dusty frames say
    you only draw pictures of superheroes,
    rainbows and daffodil flowers?
    And I think that’s why yesterday
    I felt you tugging on my sleeve
    When I was panicking that I had
    hurt a friend’s feelings
    Which left me surrendering to the fact
    They’re going to leave
    Because I was failing
    At being the “right” version of me
    But then I felt it again.
    A pull on my tissue encased pockets
    From a hand of a child
    with a headful of golden ringlets
    Who whispered, “it’s okay.
    If they really love you,
    then they’ll stay. I promise.”
    And this gave me a breath I didn’t have
    But my lungs still questioned if
    I’ll ever actually be worthy enough for them
    And that’s when I looked down
    and saw your chipped, pink nails
    wrapped around me
    like you were one of those friendship bracelets
    tied around your arm, so tightly
    Who stretched her small silhouette
    up to my ear,
    her dirty bare feet pirouetting,
    struggling to whisper,
    “Remember all the rides they told us
    we couldn’t get on until we were ‘this big to enter?’
    Then why do you feel you need to be perfect
    if the sign never said you had to be, but just a bit taller?
    Cause now you’re big enough to ride them all
    but you never do
    and all because
    you don’t think you’ll ever be good enough to.
    How’s that any fun for us?
    What’s even the point of growing up
    if you can’t do anything you dreamed of?”
    And then that weight lifted off my chest
    That I haven’t felt free from since I was 13
    And there was hope I didn’t know was left
    that I hadn’t lost who I was becoming
    So, now I’m writing this letter of love
    To the reckless, self- assured little girl
    Who brought me back to life
    with a friendship bracelet and messy hug
    Because I beg of you,
    please continue to speak
    cause I just want to echo all your
    untamed, reverberating curiosity
    And I swear- scouts honor-
    to imitate your wild innocence
    and your inconsiderate roar,
    to try and stop silencing your rambunctiousness,
    and hopeful outlook on the world
    Because I want to pull you off the shelf
    since it felt like I lost so much of us
    when I tucked it all away in that box
    the world carved out for my girlhood, itself
    And seeing how little
    your shadow is next to mine
    reminded me I’m big enough to reach you now
    cause those Hello Kitty Band-Aids
    helped me realize
    I’m pretty tall when I don’t feel the need to shrink myself down
    I should admit though,
    I also wrote this letter
    to ask about that potion
    and if you could make me another?
    Because its magic taught me
    that I did have to grow up,
    but I didn’t have to outgrow you
    because a part of me will always be five years old
    Begging shooting stars for my dreams to come true
    And to be honest,
    I don’t know if it was one of your friendship bracelets
    but it gave me the power to see
    All the corners you were forced in
    where lion cubs learn to quieten their ferocity
    where I can scream, “she’s yours no longer”
    to all those circus tents
    they force little girls to conform under
    Cause I am not barren of a choice
    and I choose you
    a million and one times over
    I choose the girl who unmuzzled
    the woman’s voice
    All thanks to that tug on my sleeve
    which gave me something
    I need more of
    and I’ve done enough maturing
    to realize
    that I hope to stay as young as you
    when I grow up
    Cause my little love,
    I think I’m finally big enough to understand
    that to truly love oneself and the world
    is to be as beautifully small as you again.

    Brinkley Dawn Howard

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Brinkley, WOW. This poem had so many ups and downs and is honestly one of the most creative and moving pieces I have ever read. I am so sorry for what you had to go through as a child. I am so happy that you have persevered through such a difficult time. You are an amazing writer, keep up the great work! ♥

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      • Harper V, oh my goodness! Thank you so much for your beautifully kind words! This is kinda the first time I’ve put something so personal out into the world so to hear a comment like yours just makes be feel so incredibly honored. I honestly want to print off your comment and frame it! Thank you so, so, so much! ♥️

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