

  • Deep in the garden

    Dear flower child,
    We had a different start. Your mama was young when she gave you life and she never stopped watering you and ensuring your growth. You may not understand this just yet, but your mama is going to be the one that shapes you into the woman that you will be in the future. Just trust the process.
    Things are hard right now but the thing I love the most about you is that you always look towards the future. You have been hurt, you have gone through things that people may never know or understand. However, you are always looking to the next thing. Your positivity shines like the sun that is needed to maintain your growth. You’re going to be ok.
    I almost forgot to introduce myself. I know that you have seen in movies where people go back in time and talk to their younger selves. Well, that’s me. I have seen you through the process and know that everything that feels like it is so hard right now is, but you will turn out a better person in the end.
    Your big brain and your small eyes have so much to learn but know that the people that count will be there in the end. You have a smile that can truly light up a room and more people deserve to see that. You have a soul that is big enough to feed an entire world. You do not know just who you are yet, but I do, and it is amazing. Keep smiling, keep laughing, keep being just yourself.
    Please know that me, I love everything about the person that you have become thus far. I hope that you continue to shine and be the amazing person I know you will become. The world is going to challenge and test you in every way possible. You have the power to drown the world out and become someone that no one is expecting you to be.
    Flower child, one day you are going to do great things and become a great person. You just have to believe in you like I have. Fight every challenge as it comes because it will shape you into someone that the world needs. Water every experience. Soil every opportunity. Continue to be the beautiful little girl that the world isn’t sure it is ready for yet, because here on the other side baby girl, we are waiting for you!

    The garden master


    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Aww, Stephanie, this is so creative and sweet. Even though things were hard for you as a child, I hope you have good memories to look back on and smile at. It sounds like you were a smart, kind, and adorable little kid!! ♥ I love that you mentioned being yourself because, during childhood, many kids change things about themselves to fit in with…read more

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