  • Our Path of Least Resistance

    It has always been 
    Just you and I
    Where trees and rivers meet

    We swam, we sang
    We played with dolls
    We danced with two left feet

    For all the years
    -from then ‘til now-
    It hardly seems that distant

    And though things change
    -or stay the same-
    We grew up in an instant

    I’ve heard your laugh
    I’ve felt your tears
    I’ve lulled your heart to sleep

    If you should know 
    Of all your pieces
    I’ve always hoped to keep
    Gather on this couch
    With me
    Because my list is steep:

    Your laughter,
    How it fills the room
    Your smile, 
    For shining bright
    The way your heart can break in two
    Yet you appear all right. 

    The way you always push ahead, 
    Fearing nothing under the sun
    How even if you lost it all, 
    You walk away as if you’ve won.
    While twenty-eight is merely a stranger
    To five, and six, and nine

    The memories I’m grateful for
    Have always been yours and mine

    After all has come and gone
    The years, the woes, the distance

    Thank you for never choosing to
    Take the path of least resistance. 


    Ashley Smith

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Ashley, I LOVE this letter. Being a kid can be so fun and what is so interesting to think about is that many things that you do are the first time you have ever done them! Even the smallest things can be so memorable and special to someone. I am glad that you always challenged yourself to become a better person, forever looking to learn more. Great work!! ♥

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      • Thank you, Harper! I was thrilled to learn of your comment. I completely agree. Now that I am older and have children of my own I try to make sure I am paying more attention to the first times they are doing things, and even noticing when they do something for the last time. It all goes by so quickly.

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        • You’re so right! Everything happens in the blink of an eye so it’s important to enjoy the little things ♥

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