

  • I love the contrast from the beginning of your poem to the end of your poem. You’re being authentic with the current you, and the past you, while making a promise to both of them- at the same time- And I think that’s beautiful.

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    • I agree with Ashlyn! I actually wasn’t expecting the contrast, and then I also wasn’t expecting the ending. I am sorry you feel the world tore you down a bit and took away you little girl wonder. That said, I am glad you remember the little girl inside of you and are making a promise to honor her. You so deserve that. Thank you for sharing this…read more

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  • To the Little Girl Smiling

    To the little girl smiling,
    I admire the beauty that you see in everything.
    To the little girl smiling,
    I admire the good you try so hard to find in everyone.
    To the little girl grinning from ear to ear,
    I can’t help but be envious of the TRUE carefree life that you live.
    To the little girl whose cheeks are sore from the smile that never leaves,
    Don’t be afraid of your kind soul-
    for you’ll learn to love it.
    To the little girl smiling despite her scrapes and bruises,
    and is unsure of what she has to offer the world-
    I’m proud of you for keeping on.
    To the little girl whose smile never left
    I love that you make sure the smiles stay on the faces of whom you love.
    To the little girl smiling,
    you have taught me more than I could ever express.
    To the little girl smiling,
    you have taught me… how to love
    and every version of us
    that comes to be.

    Ashlyn Garcia

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Awww Ashlyn! How wonderful it is that you loved to smile and that you still love to smile. May the spirit and energy stay with you forever and touch the hearts of many like I am sure it already has. It’s not always easy to smile. I so admire your spirit and energy. Thank you for sharing and for being part of The Unsealed. <3 Lauren

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