
arianacooper's Letters

If you could send 1 message you’ve learned to every person in the world, what would it be?

"Made New" A Poem to teach society about the importance of hope

“Born New”
A poem about the importance of hope

By Ariana Cooper

“A needle my dear…
Why, doesn’t that scare you?’’
I said, “no sir, go right ahead.”

For that painful poking feeling,
that leaves others reeling,

I’ve come to accept and not dread.

The strong scented soap,

Trying to learn to cope,

My life under a microscope,

The…read more

Write a letter or poem to your younger self sharing what you love most about him/her

"Authentically Ariana" A Poem to My Younger Self

Little Ariana, here’s a letter long overdue,
To tell you of all the wonderful things I really adore about you.

You are special, you are loved,
created by God up above.

You’re brave and kind, creative and smart,
you make people smile with your talents and art!

A humorous and whimsical, eccentric little girl,
When faced with fun new challenges,…read more

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