

  • Abigail-->>Abby

    Dear Abigail, 

    Every day, I try to be more and more like you. 

    I listen to your favorite song and sing in the shower like you used to. 
    I pick out your favorite ice cream flavor and eat it on a random Tuesday simply because I can. 

    I wear dresses you would love 
    and twirl in the rain 
    and I thank god for your existence. 

    For everything that you are, 
    That you’ve survived, 
    That you’ll continue to survive. 

    For every friendship you make, 
    And for every friendship that ends. 

    For the time you cut your hair shorter than any girl your age, 
    And for the time you grew it past your waist. 

    For your “tomboy” phase and all the basketball practices that Dad took you to. 
    For your “girly girl” phase and all the flowers, Granny threw on stage at your ballet recital. 

    For the boys you had a crush on, 
    And the girls you loved in secret. 

    For the times you looked in the mirror and cried softly into your pillow. 
    But for the times you took a deep breath and put the swimsuit on anyways. 

    For every trip, stumble, and fall, 
    And your bravery that carried us through it all. 
    The bravery that still carries us. 

    For every time you’re told you’re “too much.” 
    Or worse, 
    “Not enough”. 

    For every time you hear those words, and continue to twirl in the rain. 

    I love you. I’ll keep trying to be as brave as you. Always. 


    Abby Merhege

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Abby, I love this so much. Even though you have matured, you should always carry a piece of your childhood self with you, because without her, you wouldn’t be here! My favorite line of yours is “I’ll keep trying to be as brave as you” because the ability that you had to shake off the negative and embrace the positive is so inspiring. I am glad t…read more

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