  • joliver15 submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a letter to your future selfWrite a letter to your future self 1 years, 5 months ago

    Who are you? Autobio- Poem; Return Response, From: Future-Fiction Fantasy (Dream)Come True, FANATIC

    Letter To My Future Self Fr

    Who are? I’ll tell you ALL you need know.
    I Am presently living your life right now.
    I am, stabilizing standards for our future success.
    The choices I make today effects tomorrow. The present, past and future coexist all in one universe at different times though.

    (2023 version) of us;
    I am Someone who aspire to inspire others, through my testimony.

    I am striving to reach optimal potential.
    I am an active listener.
    I search for beauty within every single day and (person). I believe beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

    I think more than I say; I don’t care about others opinions of me. Facts are proven.
    I truly believe nothing is impossible I’m(possible); through knowledge, reverse psychology.

    I think positive; I believe when others doubt.
    Who am I to judge ? I learned Respect is earned not given. Life is about about worth and purpose. I often reflect; ask myself is it worth it? and does my intentions (actions) meet my expectations (purpose?)

    Its essential I learn my lesson,
    If not, history repeats itself.
    If my intentions are not pure: I self reflect, repent and fix it. I must stay pure. Karma is real.

    I am giving because my purpose is helping , healing and mission(ary).
    Ultimately I want to spread love, peace and happiness. And start a non profit for foster children.

    I am understanding but misunderstood.
    Forgive for, they don’t know who I am.
    I am trying to find Balance and Master Life.
    I am setting myself up for (our) future success.

    I remind myself to not dwell on situations I can’t change. Instead I search for alternatives.

    I’m working to provide for myself, family orphans and the less fortunate slaves.
    I must ensure my prophecy transpires, by any means necessary.

    Its mandatory that I Sacrifice now (presently) for my future self to thrive, (for humanity) future prize.

    Return Response, From: Future-Fiction Fantasy (Dreams)Come True, FANATIC!

    Dear Present Self,

    Heads up! Thanks for the head start, from your future-self. Now you living lavish never forget where you came from. Remember home is where the heart is.

    Remind yourself daily, you have already won. You have absolutely nothing to worry about warrior. Your journey has already been mapped out.

    Time is of the essence; some(times) patience is a necessity. Know the difference between the two; time wasted.

    When you feel like giving up, remember your purpose. That should motivate you to keep going and refocus on the outcome (better days to come).

    You need to open up more, don’t be scared to express yourself. Your voice is your sword(weapon) to success.
    You give but can’t accept love. Explore and Embrace your, Love Language. It’s detrimental to reciprocate (give-take) relationships. Accept love not only because you deserve it, You are also worthy to be loved.
    You are honorable because you worked for everything you have; you earned it
    Your are strong and brave. When you feel weak, remind yourself how far you came; from nothing. You are great because you are grateful.

    Remember It’s okay if you fail; When you fall get back up. If you can say you tried your best and gave it all you had, realistically you could never fail. You are blessed beyond measures.

    If you learn from the mistakes you make then; you earn mercy, grace and forgiveness.
    You are guaranteed to reach optimal potential by accepting failure and gaining knowledge which is the key to power.
    Don’t be so hard on yourself all the time. You deserve a break, you have already won.

    You will be(come), past tense.
    The first millionaire in your family.
    Always trust intuition and only be lead by the spirit. in a million years never give up because you have already won.

    You are the creator of your world.
    Your mind is the most powerful tool you obtain. Be wise and think positive. Always believe wholeheartedly. Focus on your purpose.
    Through pure performance, passion, and perseverance you will reach your destination; which is destiny.

    The legacy you leave will be for generations to come.
    You can celebrate now because your future is bright, you already won. Enjoy your journey. Abundance waits you. Just keep going.

    You are righteous and will be recognized.
    Anything you seek, you will find(willingly)
    Everything you want, you will obtain
    From past to future tense (spontaneously)

    Congratulations Jessica Oliver,
    Mission accomplished. Your purpose will be fulfilled and (testimony) heard from generations for ages all around the world

    You earned and are worthy of honor.
    you will obtain, more than you yearn for.
    For Grace and being Grateful. You are destined for greatness. Thank you for paving the path for success for us.

    Love your present and future self

    Jessica Oliver

    Jessica Oliver

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    • Jessica you are such an incredible human being. There is no one who embodies this idea that you’ve already won more than you! Never ever forget that. You are so powerful, and you have so much love and strength to offer yourself and others, especially young people who need someone like you, to show them the way. Keep becoming more and more of who you already are – who you have always been. You are a gift to the world (and to The Unsealed). xoxo Lauren

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    • Thank you for sharing. You are such an amazing and genuine human. Your perspective is so inspiring to everyone. We need more people like to to undo the younger generations.

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    • YES! YES! YES!
      Declare those words of fortune. You are amazing. This letter was beautiful and crafted with such inspiration and power. I am Jazzed! Seriously. Reading your letter makes me feel as if anything is possible as long as we do not give up and believe in ourselves. Sometimes, that’s my toughest struggle. Thank you so much. I voted 💜

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