  • cracksoflife submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a poem (or letter) about a turning point in your lifeWrite a poem (or letter) about a turning point in your life 1 days, 2 hours ago

    To know you

    To know you now, is to know you then
    …even if I didn’t.

    I thought I did, but now..
    I’m certain that I didn’t.

    I felt the love, the way you wanted
    I just…didn’t.

    It hurts my heart,
    what I thought was you and now I see isn’t.

    To know you now, is to accept
    what I didn’t see
    what I wouldn’t hear before…

    and wonder if you can finally feel
    all that is unspoken…

    To know you now, is to long for all that could be…should be
    that and so many memories more…

    But in the end,
    to know you saved me
    and also crushed me to my core.

    Amanda George DuBose

    Voting starts December 17, 2024 12:00am

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