  • Following the Wisdom of a Song and Dance Man

    We often live our lives with expectations someone else set for us.
    “Do you have children?”
    “What do you do for work?”
    “Are you married?”
    Overly asked common questions.
    When responded with “no,” it’s met with judgment as those tools are what we use to commonly measure the success of a person.
    “Are you happy?”
    A question that is rare but important.
    I found joy within myself when I stopped following what was expected of me and began living for what made my soul shine.
    Expressing my creative side
    That’s why I exist
    I don’t believe in guilty pleasures
    Why should I feel ashamed for what brings me a glimmer of glee?
    When I die I don’t want to be remembered as an individual who was stuck in a pattern of endless misery
    I want to be remembered as the peculiar girl who lived life blissfully
    I get one life and I don’t plan to waste it by living it in a way that isn’t true to who I am

    “People seldom do what they believe in. They do what is convenient, then repent.”- Bob Dylan

    Courtney Beksel

    Voting starts December 2, 2024 12:00am

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