  • To Resist Transition Is To Resist True Happiness

    A lot of people resist transition and therefore never allow themselves to enjoy who they are , a quote from an activist who wanted the youth to live their lives without fear of change because it will only slow you down.
    Im a profit of her words
    In life i’ve found myself at many brick walls and turned back around
    Never in life had I changed that

    Day by day week by week month by month
    …I stood there and turned around

    The ongoing standing was a fixed routine
    My feet knew exactly where to go each day .. but my mind didn’t

    I didn’t know what I wanted from walking I just kept going
    I didn’t know what was the purpose so I stopped

    I remember my last day at this wall vividly because i didn’t turn around and walk away
    I stood there and searched

    I search for answers and got nothing I searched for a image and saw nothing

    I knew that if I somehow moved this wall things would change
    I feared change

    Ironically I feared something that was of stranger to me
    What if it wasn’t so scary??

    What if this place was my eureka ??
    I asked myself so many questions in temptation

    So I marched back up to the wall and I didnt stop my feet
    I began to climb it

    Each time I gained more strength to go higher I felt relief
    Relief from everything this wall blocked

    I got over it and change hit me in the best way possible
    Over the wall was a life I wasn’t used to.. was a life I was ready to explore
    As soon as I got over I felt like Id belong
    I no longer resisted my transition. I was so happy .. I am so happy

    Over that wall was me
    A version of me that was genuinely happy
    This version wasn’t closed off she was vibrant and open
    She was me yet different
    She meant something to herself and that meant something to me
    I now know what I could’ve been if I were to remain behind that wall

    I am this free spirited person I am someone who seen different
    I am this person who does not run into many wall nor do I ever but if I were to I would not stand in front of it and walk off
    I would simply search it and climb over it
    I would not go back and forth from this wall waiting for something to happen yet
    I know the moment I see a wall I will not be seeing it again cause I will ascend I will make progress over that wall
    I Will not resist transition because I’ve see true joy in myself from the change of transition
    So I live by this quote because it’s just showing me how to live …
    A lot of people resist transition and therefore never allow themselves to enjoy who they are a quote from an activist who just wanted people to know their worth

    Kiarra Brice

    Voting starts December 2, 2024 12:00am

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