  • S.K shared a letter in the Group logo of Women's EmpowermentWomen's Empowerment group 1 weeks ago

    Birthday Story

    “The two important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why”-Mark Twain.
    Life’s numerical milestones have changed .
    I view 46 as 30+ 16 rather than 50-4 Mathematically and philosophically.
    46 was a nameless nobody . Turning 46 just meant a step closer to the golden years and nothing more than that.
    But now , this previously insignificant number has a whole glamour quotient of its own. A modern day new kinda big deal .
    Feeling “ 45+1” or “almost 46” does sorta have a grounding undertone to it. A settling sense of self assuredness.
    Chances are at this juncture, you are where you shall be for the rest of your life..atleast in most aspects of your life.
    So it’s best to acknowledge all of it , embrace it, celebrate the done-its and get over the have-nots.
    My so-called big birthday beckons me in a few days. And I feel fine. In reality, I feel more than just fine.I feel feisty and fine. Each day bringing with it an epiphany of sorts. The realization that aging gracefully means learning to detach and step back . Ironically, learning the art of detachment is not a lesson in learning to let go.
    It actually involves quite the opposite. It involves recognizing and holding on to all that is relevant and enriching. And no , age is not just a number. How we wish it was! It is way more layered than that.
    Physically, the 45 year old body is not and organically should not be what it used to be . Aging naturally is the sign of a life well lived. Trying to reverse age, is trying to relive a life that wasn’t done right the first time.
    Mentally, growing older is freeing. With my absolute abandon and unapologetic arrogance , I sense and honestly quite like the new me emerging-subtle silver streaks, sagginess, striations , self love et all! I feel old enough to recognize my mistakes but young enough to make some more!
    So bring on my birthday baby, let the wisdom grow and show! On my face, on my cake!
    My dear age-Add those candles with each passing year as you wish, but you can never blow out the fire that gets fiercer every minute within me!


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    • Sarita, I love this so much! Your sense of humor is amazing and made me laugh out loud. As I continue to age, I hope to have such a confident outlook about the changes I experience. Just like you said, they are evidence of a life well-lived. Thank you for sharing!

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