  • rachparmelee submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a poem a letter about quote or motto that inspires youWrite a poem a letter about quote or motto that inspires you 1 weeks, 1 days ago

    She Believed She Could, So She Did

    Dear Grandma,

    She believed she could, so she did.

    I remember the palm-sized wall art of this quote you gifted me and its journey. Lost years ago, as we were cleaning out your house, it lives now only in my mind. My thoughts can easily travel back to when you gave it to me.

    Back in time, a knock sounded at my door as I decorated my desk with crystals and a photograph of my boyfriend and me.

    “Someone’s here to see you,” the office manager told me.

    As I turned toward the door, I saw you in a bright blue pantsuit that matched your vibrant personality.

    “Grandma!” I exclaimed. “What are you doing here?”

    I recall your embrace and wish I could return to that hug.

    You stepped back, examining me. “I heard you started working here and saw this little sign. It reminded me of you, and I thought it could inspire you on your desk.”

    Reading the sign aloud, “She believed she could, so she did,” I couldn’t help but reflect on my career aspirations. I always had different plans for my life than answering phones at a plumbing company. It’s essential work but not the path I’d always wanted to take.

    On this day, your kind eyes had a hint of sadness beneath them. You’d just lost the love of your life: your husband and my Papa. After his passing, all of our smiles contained a tinge of sadness. The love among us all was magic, but the magic had lost some spark.

    When you love big, you lose big.

    As this memory fades, I transport myself to the next part of the sign’s journey. I wish I had asked you to stay for a moment longer.

    I was walking into your hospital room, which had become your new home after brain surgery.

    Hoping you would remember me that day, I reached for your hands as I sat before you.

    “Hi, Grandma,” I said in a gentle tone. “I brought you something.” Pulling the sign out from my back, I displayed it for you.

    She believed she could, so she did.

    I placed the art on the ledge below your window. “Do you remember when you gave me this sign when I started a new job? I think you need it more now. Maybe if you see it by your window every day, it will help.”

    I’ll never know if the sign helped you, but the dreamer in me hopes it brought you peace.

    I hope it reminded you of the enduring love you and Papa created. You both made a legacy that will continue past your deaths. You brought love and unbreakable bonds into the world, which is magic in a time of such division.

    They say we take nothing when we pass, but I don’t think the sentiment is always true.
    Sometimes, we take a little piece of the hearts of those we left behind.

    As we celebrate holidays without you now, I know our hearts are emptier than before. We attempted to fill the void when we chose our favorite belongings from your house to put in our homes. Books to sit on our shelves, decorations to live on our mantles, and Christmas ribbon to decorate our trees. These shared memories and belongings connect us, even in your absence.

    We all think of you as we decorate our trees with your Christmas ornaments. The endless love you gave us stamped our hearts like a tattoo, and your signature phrases have become our own.

    We’ll teach our kids what you taught all of us.

    “Stick together.”

    “Love each other through anything – through everything.”

    We’ll all fill our children’s and grandchildren’s hearts like you filled ours.

    It’s our job now to continue the magic you created and reignite the spark.

    We’ll do it because we believe we can, and we believe we should.

    I like to think you were greeted by Papa and your dad when you fell asleep for the last time.

    When I take my last breath, I hope you greet me.

    I’ll smile and tell you: “Grandma, I believed I could, so I did.”


    Rachael Parmelee

    Voting starts December 2, 2024 12:00am

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