  • juliemarie submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a poem (or letter) about a turning point in your lifeWrite a poem (or letter) about a turning point in your life 1 weeks, 1 days ago

    When your purpose is taken

    Dear Unsealers,

    Life has an interesting way of getting us from one place to another. Often times to get from one place to another it can sometimes require walking through something difficult. That is exactly what I am wanting to share with you.

    I remember being young and realizing I wanted to go into a specific profession. I dedicated my life to achieving this goal. I started going to college and volunteering with this organization. Every decision I made was geared towards working at this organization. It became my life. I began surrounding myself around the people that worked and volunteered with. I slowly began working more and more hours there. This organization became my world. It was all I could see.

    As 2020 hit I was considered an essential worker so I worked through the pandemic. The type of work I did I was constantly on call and would often take my work home with me never really having separation between my personal and work life it was all so entangled. This was the year I finally graduated and was offered a position at this organization. After all those years of hard work I finally was living my dream. This was the last position I was going to have. Well that’s at least what I thought…

    In 2021 I was sexually assaulted by a coworker in my home. I knew I had to come forward because I found out it happened to someone else. Upon coming forward I lost my dream position due to a decision I made out of fear that it would happen again. I was open about what I had done but it did not matter I was removed.

    I had given every ounce of my being to this job. It became my family, my social world, and what I spent doing 7 days a week. In an instance it was gone. This thing that I had spent years working towards I had in my hands and it was ripped away. I did not know what to do and tried to end my life because I felt I no longer had a purpose.

    I ended up needing to move away to try and rebuild. For the longest time I felt so lost, so broken and so alone because not only did I lose my job but I lost my whole social circle. While I was in it I knew it was unhealthy but I also knew that I never would have left on my own.

    Looking back now as painful as it still is I can see how blessed I am that I am out of that environment. I have been presented with so many opportunities that I never would have had.

    My message for you is that if you have just been injured and can no longer play your sport, if you have lost that dream job or are experiencing any major loss… I see you…. It hurts. It may feel like you have nothing to live for but I promise you you are resilient. You matter even without that sport or that job. There is so much more to life. You may not be able to see the light but take it day by day.

    I am truly grateful for where I am now and how I have the privilege everyday to speak into the lives of our youth and to encourage them. Good things can come from the darkest parts of our stories. I now know my purpose was never that job. My purpose is not about my status. My purpose in life is to show kindness and love others and that is something no one can ever take away.

    You are strong, you are brave and you are loved no matter where you are in your life or what you are facing. Joy will come.


    Voting starts December 17, 2024 12:00am

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