  • Favorite Shoes

    Life is like your favorite pair of shoes.
    Every step you take is in the right direction,
    Even when you’re hesitant.

    Sometimes, you may get a little worn,
    Maybe scuffed, but you don’t give up.
    Just buy some cleaner
    And brush the battle scars off.

    Then grab some polish to shine them up.
    Good as new, on to new beginnings.

    Why throw away a perfect pair of shoes because they’ve walked a few miles
    And don’t smell as fresh as they used to?
    You could easily keep using them to step over obstacles and remain grateful for what they’ve gotten you through.

    When time-worn, they’re at their best because you’ve lived some life in them.
    The lessons learned through many journeys is what makes them your favorite.

    K.S. Love

    Voting starts November 5, 2024 12:00am

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    • Lovely poem! I like the analogy between life and old pair of shoes; just cause things aren’t perfect doesn’t mean you shouldn’t continue to persist through the current situation.

      “The lessons learned through many journeys is what makes them your favorite.” I love that quote, and it’s so true. The memories we make is what makes things special.

      Write me back 

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