  • Life, Love Faded in Fear

    29 pulchritudinous years
    Wasted time on unheard fears
    Wasted time on grinding gears
    Added time to feed the tears
    29 pulchritudinous years
    Tasted fine with codependency near
    Tasted fine with no boundaries to wear
    Faded thin with no care
    29 pulchritudinous years
    Placed love to replace the fear
    Placed angels on grinding gears
    Padded with trust to feed the care
    29 pulchritudinous years
    Allured the soul to ditch the ego
    Peculiar faces turned evil
    Familiar souls bonded, covert
    29 pulchritudinous years
    Holding close those who spark the anima
    Molding those lacking kindred
    Loving life, mind body & spirit


    Voting starts November 5, 2024 12:00am

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