  • Love is Sacrifice

    Hello World, did you know Love is sacrifice?,

    Fifteen, alone, afraid you’re going to break.

    Love is Sacrifice.

    Car seats, Diapers, formula too, these holey shoes are great!

    Love is Sacrifice.

    Rent’s due, school supplies ooph, “oh man, you haven’t ate!”

    Love is Sacrifice.

    Swing shifts, softball games, there’s no time for that break.

    Love is Sacrifice.

    Flat tire, prom dress, no money left to cover these greys.

    Love is Sacrifice.

    College Fees, battered knees, she’s going to do something great!

    Love is Sacrifice.

    Boquet’s thrown, back alone, man, it’s getting late.

    Love is Sacrifice.

    She’s back at home, the time has come, a truth she must relate.

    Love is Sacrifice.

    He’s on the throne, you’re not alone, Mom it wasn’t fate.
    He gave his son, for you and I, Grab on and don’t be late.

    Love is Sacrifice.

    Because of your prayers, I’ll meet you there and boy won’t that be great.

    Love is Sacrifice.

    Let go Mom, the Lord has won, go into heaven’s gates.
    Thank you, God, for your son, who died and made a way.

    Love is Sacrifice.


    Voting starts November 5, 2024 12:00am

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