  • Special Note:

    Here is a message I would face death for-
    If I could deliver it to an open-minded world.
    Whereas Christ came to save sinners like me,
    Of whom I beg to differ-that myself is the chief.
    Four times Gospel=Good News
    A spiritual hospital for souls with the blues!
    Exciting, Vibrant, Exploding Truth for you…
    No matter who you are-it applies to you!
    He tells us how to be safe, to be free!
    Jesus’ own words, “Come follow me”.
    heavy loads made light-shining in the dark of night,
    He has the same path for all-come to His Grace for Life!
    Telling Perfect Truth from beginning to end,
    Though there’s no such with Him-He is eternal Friend!
    Let Him, let Him, let Him
    Remove doubt, strife, and fear of things-
    With Him you can/will be happy to win,
    Watch Him fulfill your every dream!
    May take some time-Relationships grow,
    He (Jesus) is the Perfect One to know!
    And knowing Him is Perfect Peace,
    Not knowing Him is no Peace at all-
    Because He is the Prince of Peace to all!
    Never can any take His place-
    Come for Salvation, where all our wrongs are erased!
    …Yes-Jesus saves!
    I’ve learned a 45 year lesson,
    At Camp Neosa as a kid,
    But I was a mad kid-
    I’ll bury my treasure in the ground, said I…
    Could not this message that I hid-even give a try?
    It is Perfect-will not trespass any,
    And those who find it are not many.
    So share we will-the Living Water spill…
    Into the souls-so thirsty drought-
    Sharing saving faith-to receptive hearts on route!

    Then never can the dark prevail!

    God Bless you!!!


    Voting starts November 5, 2024 12:00am

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