  • Dear World

    Dear World,

    The doctor told me to slow down some
    So I listened to his orders, and, begrudgingly, agreed with him

    He said right now my time is short
    And only had bad things to report

    So I decided to reflect,
    What’s most important, but a life with no regrets

    Hence, I picked up the phone
    Planned a party for all those I’ve loved and known

    Gathered up the flowers I once took for granted
    Put together a lovely bouquet and called it enchanted

    Walked outside to feel the morning breeze and midnight air
    Closed my eyes and allowed it to perfume my hair

    Danced in the rain with or without music
    Played my own melody on imaginary acoustics

    Even the former words unspoken and the sentiments untold
    I now share them boldly, I no longer withhold

    Because time is of the essence
    And I count it all as blessing

    You see, life has taught me these lessons
    Do with them as you please for they are merely my suggestions

    Dear world, I’ve had to slow down some
    Took the doctor’s orders and, thankfully, agreed with him


    Voting starts November 5, 2024 12:00am

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    • Absolutely stunning. “Gathered up the flowers I once took for granted; put together a lovely bouquet and called it enchanted”
      A gorgeous line. I’m happy you are slowing down and taking time to enjoy yourself and your life 🙂

      Write me back 

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