  • Better Together

    Death looms all around us
    from our first moment of existence,
    at life’s coalescence,
    it shrouds our very essence,
    like breath rides with the wind.
    Eighteen funerals in a decade,
    remembering those lost lives lived.
    I find it ironic it’s called a wake,
    since they’re never to awaken again.
    Being Earth-side is hard and fleeting,
    we’re all just trying to survive
    until the day that every single one of us
    will eventually, inevitably die.
    Accidents and illness,
    people vicious and malicious,
    aging bodies growing old and weary,
    with tired minds and over-worked spines,
    usher infinite possible endings
    to this time we’re merely renting
    animating stories out of our control, really.
    So we need to lead with love,
    and remember to take care of one other.
    A dollar, a meal, a blanket, a hug,
    a conversation or sharing some of your luck,
    these little considerations
    have wide reverberations
    that make us humans driven
    towards connection and expansion,
    a purpose forged in our blood.
    It’s the humanity in humanity
    that saves us from insanity
    and provides direction on our journeys
    as we crawl through life in a hurry,
    wherein mortality we find unity,
    walking each another home unjudged.

    Alyssa Grimes

    Voting starts November 5, 2024 12:00am

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