  • Rain

    Remember change is necessary for growth
    It can rain all day but prone to flower’s survival
    The heat of the sun will come again
    And the rain will have already sucked in
    More buds
    More roots will spread again to make something even more beautiful
    Trees die but new ones are planted
    You can put your seed in whatever is necessary and good for you
    And if not, you can pick it up and plant it elsewhere
    Make a new, cozy home for it
    Protecting it at all costs
    Living with the peace
    Focusing on the good
    Releasing the bad
    Don’t let bad roots stay intertwined in your mind
    Release them, cut them, do whatever you need to do
    Otherwise you will stay stuck and broken
    Clouding what is the greatness of life

    Rachel Milligan

    Voting starts November 5, 2024 12:00am

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