  • Life is Hard

    Life is hard!
    I don’t make enough money.
    I can’t pay my bills.
    My car broke down.
    I’m sick and can’t afford the doctor bill.
    I’m stuck on autopilot!
    Then I received the best advice,
    I’ve ever been given.
    “Life doesn’t get easier,
    you learn to cope better!”
    I charged my thinking,
    which changed my actions.
    I worked three jobs and saved money.
    In a year,
    I was living more stable & comfortably.
    This advice has stuck with me
    and helps me through hard times.
    It has forever changed me
    for the better!

    Briar Hex

    Voting starts November 5, 2024 12:00am

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    • “Life doesn’t get easier,
      you learn to cope better!”

      That is great advice! We only get stronger as we face each adversity. I love the message you chose to share to the world, it’s something we could all use a reminder of from time to time.

      Write me back 

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