  • Caring: Better Watch Me Now

    I have always been a pretty apolitical.

    I am the most “Can’t we all just get along?”, peacemaker kinda person you will ever meet.

    I have to say: my patience & tolerance have been pressed about as tight up against the proverbial Glass Ceiling as they can get – before shattering.

    So, for all the newly minted, Monday-Morning Constitutional Law experts, I need to get this message out:

    In these United States of America, we have what are called “Fundamental Freedoms”; and there are five of them that were clearly, and specifically, spelled out by The Founding Fathers. Everyone loves to clamor on them, but NONE OF THEM – not a single one – are named in the Constitution.

    Also, whilst you may have the Freedoms of Speech, Religion, Press, Assembly, and to Petition the Government; your “right” to these freedoms does NOT supersede my right to them.


    I have never cared who you loved;
    Until you started shoving it down my throat.
    I have never cared about the color of your skin (despite being raised by a bigot);
    Until you started blaming all your troubles on the color of mine.
    I have never cared that you’re a man;
    Until you called me weaker for being a woman.
    I have never cared about your politics,
    Until you started condemning me for mine.
    And I have never cared about heritage;
    Until you called me “Deplorable” for mine.

    Now, I care.


    Voting starts November 5, 2024 12:00am

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