  • A Pause in Pursuit.

    From where I started to where I am now, helped me realize how quickly we can arrive at our destinations.
    Soon after, these destinations become pit stops on the journey to our next location.
    We rarely stop to take in all that we accomplished, and rush to do or be more.

    I often remind myself to ‘lighten up,’ as I know I am walking in the right direction.
    Sometimes I feel as though time is just passing me by while I stand in place.
    Then I look back and realize I’m in a spot I once longed for.

    Be sure to stop and acknowledge all you have accomplished so far, and use that as motivation to further yourself.

    We are forever evolving and there is no time frame for growth. Embrace your journey with a whole heart and at your own pace.


    Voting starts November 5, 2024 12:00am

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