  • leoforest submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a poem about a dream (or goal) that came trueWrite a poem about a dream (or goal) that came true 1 months ago


    I thought I might not be
    in this overgrowth forever
    I thought of pressure,
    knife or cancer
    I thought of youthful plains

    But Blueberry bushes
    And Picnic dresses,
    Oh the daisies will miss
    your Laugh if they’re
    Choked by dandelions!
    so I planted dandelions.

    But apple tree and orange
    Painted Petals before
    Trimmed hedges
    Push-up soil
    in Manicured patches there –
    Where I planted spear thistles?

    But Please, Do Not clear
    the little untread passages
    in the bark of hollow tree
    Or beneath the hanging bush
    to tuck yourself away,
    Where else will you lay?
    Why do you cut
    every Stem and Stalk?
    who will pollinate you
    when your color is gone?

    I thought I might not fight
    invasion with invasion;
    So I lit a match,
    and bared my plains
    to the sky.

    Leo Forest

    Voting starts October 18, 2024 12:00am

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    • Leo, wow. The imagery in this poem is so creatively described and I am OBSESSED with it! You have a very evident gift and your talent should not be taken for granted! Keep writing! Your strength and passion is what has gotten you this far, so keep up the great work ♥

      Write me back 

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