  • cee133 submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a poem about a dream (or goal) that came trueWrite a poem about a dream (or goal) that came true 1 months ago

    Dream 1 Achieved , a Billion More to Go!

    Sady Lady, reporting to you live from 2024 and I came back to 2012 to give you the official tour,
    of your life as we advance with some spoilers. I heard you’re the big 1 8 and in good fashion, I’ve come to report that you have found your passion.

    Is it a designer? No, that’s too flashy. Perhaps a biased journalist? No that’s a little too sassy.
    You went for a more reserved path but you enjoyed the process, you take your overthinking and put your non-verbal skills to the test.

    While pursuing a Central Pennsylvania secondary education, you went through one big obstacle that left you wondering if this is really your station.
    It was your first “failure” to start your freshman year, you even started to wonder “damn should I even be here?”

    However, through the grace of Jehovah, you found another avenue to explore. You were still a tech head, but you learned the origins of the first motherboard and it wasn’t a bore.

    Even though you weren’t ready to program yet, majoring in the technology adjacent “computer forensics” was your best bet.

    Since you were a kid, you loved puzzles and electronics, who knew in your adult age you’d end up learning the “phonics.”

    Binary, hexadecimal, Encase, and FTK, are some of the software that helped you along the way.

    For four years, you learned the ins and outs of the ever-growing advances technology yields . Alas! Your senior year came around and you had the opportunity to show how skilled you were in your field.

    Dr. Barrett gave you an independent study to do research of your choice. It was like she read your mind, and your dream of studying the inner-workings of the famous SONY PLAYSTATION 4 allowed you to share your voice.

    10 weeks of research, reporting, trial and error, you produced the final result and became the bearer of all your efforts in front of a crowd. While it was nerve racking, you had to give yourself a bow.

    Fast forward to 2024, you are still present to write about your dream, and I hope this poem gives you some gleam.

    What you learn is that success isn’t always a likely occurrence
    However, the knowledge you gain should give you reassurance.

    You even took up a new hobby writing about your inner interests and thoughts. Even found some cool recipes to put in your pots.

    All this to say to the younger self, achieving your goals won’t always be available on a book shelf. Never look back and your future looks bright. Always remember to say a prayer a night. Even when the journey looks dim or blue, you have a great future ahead of you.

    Cece circa 2024

    Ceirra E.

    Voting starts October 18, 2024 12:00am

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    • Cece, this is so cute!! Your younger self would be so proud of you. You have overcome so much and tried so many new things! Your experiences are so unique and you will be happy that you got out of your comfort zone in the future! I am so happy for all that you have done and who you have become!! ♥

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