  • samanvitha submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a poem about a dream (or goal) that came trueWrite a poem about a dream (or goal) that came true 1 months ago

    The dreamer

    To the little girl who dared to dream

    I say

    Plant your wishes in a sacred space
    Let them run wild and remain uncontained

    For when you dare to dream you live them twice, once in your mind and once in real life

    When you hit rock bottom
    I implore you
    Conjure your vision

    Take that leap of faith and chase it
    No matter your inhibitions

    For if you don’t dare to dream how will they come true?
    And believe me, they really do!

    Scribble away in your little confines
    Record your stray thoughts and little lines

    One day they’ll transcend from the page to the biggest stage

    You’ll realize an Off Broadway dream
    That was born on a day the world seemed
    hopeless and bleak

    Stay steadfast with the pen
    It’s your greatest friend

    You’ll make sense of the world
    And let your greatness unfurl

    Samanvitha Danda

    Voting starts October 18, 2024 12:00am

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    • Samanvitha, I love this! I am so proud of you for reaching your goals and becoming the person you have become! Your younger self would be so excited to hear this and know how far she has come. You should be so proud of yourself for accomplishing what you have because I know it wasn’t easy. You worked hard for this! Congratulations!!

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