  • healingempress89 submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a poem about a dream (or goal) that came trueWrite a poem about a dream (or goal) that came true 1 months ago

    Letter to "baby girl", Shelby (inner child)

    I vow to never allow anyone to mistreat you again. To always stand up for you and speak my truth. I promise to live as my authentic self and to always shower you with love. You will never feel undeserving or unworthy again. I vow to make you proud and make you feel safe and secure. I will never allow anyone to make you feel less than, overlooked, not seen or heard again. I promise to continue pouring into you and to continue to become the woman of your dreams. The woman you always wished to be. You are her. You are me. We are one. I promise that I will never forget you. You deserve the world. You deserve everything your heart desires, plus more. You have always had a kind heart. You have always been a giver. Now it’s our time to receive. You have sewn many seeds and now, it’s harvest time. It’s time for all of your dreams to come true. It’s time for people to see what a gem you truly are and have always been, even though you didn’t see it. It’s your time to shine and you have nothing to fear. We’re gonna get through this together with the help of God and our amazing Divine spirit team. They are always with you. You have never been alone and never will be. You really shocked me because I never really believed that it was possible to become the woman I am today. I never actually had a plan to get here, but somehow this is where I am. God knew all along and so did you. I thank you for you imagination, creativity, & fun loving spirit. For wanting better and doing better. For not being all talk and no action. For speaking and dreaming this woman into reality. Our dreams are coming to fruition right before our eyes. It feels amazing, doesn’t it?! Forgive me for all the times I doubted you, neglected you, abused you, ignored you, gaslit you. Forgive me. I love you. I value you. I cherish you. I admire and adore you. I thank God for helping me to escape the mental imprisonment I created with the false truths I believed about you for so long. I thank God for helping me see the true beauty in you. The real you. The flawed you. You are the reason for this transformation. All your inner work is finally paying off and it’s because of you that I have blossomed into this woman. It’s because of you that I feel free to be my authentic self. You truly are amazing and I apologize that it took me so long to recognize that. I promise it will never happen again, okay? We are in this together. Its our time. Its our season. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I could never have done any of this without you!

    Shelby Johnson

    Voting starts October 18, 2024 12:00am

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    • Shelby, your piece is beautifully written and empowering to any woman. My favorite part was when you asked yourself for forgiveness. I’m sure your younger self heard you loud and clear 🙂

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    • Thank you Jaynee! Your words mean so much to me! 💜🥰

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    • Shelby, I love this!! You deserve all the love in the world ♥. Growing to love and accept yourself can be extremely difficult. I am proud of you for overcoming this and becoming a better person because of it. You are so strong and I can’t wait to hear more from you. Congratulations ♥

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