  • remcreatives submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a poem about a dream (or goal) that came trueWrite a poem about a dream (or goal) that came true 1 months ago

    Name in the Credits

    Learning fast
    Thought I would apply
    Not knowing what would happen
    Or if I would get in
    Or if the world would come crashing down
    Thinking too good to be true
    Then got that email
    That email that would change everything
    The ability to do something bigger than yourself
    To the bigger name actors
    To the lights surrounding you
    To the chance to build connections
    To the nicest people
    Not the never ending drama
    To the people you’ve gotten to meet
    What you’ve gotten to create
    Knowing you were apart of something
    Seeing your name rolling away
    Knowing the people that made it possible
    To the great times
    To the hard times
    To the things that make it worth it
    To see it on screen
    To the birthday boy celebrating
    To the cupcakes and singing
    To the fun times and laughs
    To the premieres and dinners
    Trying to enjoy it before its all done
    The excitement of finishing
    From start to finish
    Oh how proud you’ll be
    What you accomplished
    Can’t believe its over
    Till next time

    Rachel Milligan

    Voting starts October 18, 2024 12:00am

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    • Rachel, this is so cute! I am so happy that your journey has been successful. You have clearly become an amazing person and I am glad you have reached a place of peace and love in your life. I can’t wait to see what else you will accomplish in your life, because I know that it will be great. Keep up the good work. ♥

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