  • donnalee59 submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a poem about a dream (or goal) that came trueWrite a poem about a dream (or goal) that came true 1 months ago

    My Funny Poem

    I wrote a poem. I turned it in.
    My teacher read it with a grin.

    He seemed so pleased, I thought he’d cry.
    A tear was welling in his eye.

    He smiled so wide, I have to say,
    I knew I’d nail an easy ‘A’.

    He chuckled, and I felt so proud
    To hear my teacher laugh out loud.

    He held his sides and read some more
    He wound up rolling on the floor.

    He giggled like a girl, and then
    Stood up and read my poem AGAIN!

    He snickered, snorted, shouted, “D’oh!”
    “Excuse me kids, I gotta go.”

    His face turned red as off he ran,
    Still snickering, to use the can.

    He didn’t make it there to pee.
    My poem came back. I got a D!

    Twenty years later…

    As I look back, I realize
    His laughter really was a prize.

    I kept on writing through the years.
    And made a name amongst my peers.

    I dreamt of being known worldwide.
    “And now I am,” I say with pride.

    My dream was not a quirky whim.
    I’m published now because of him!

    p.s. I wrote a funny poem while in detention during my senior year of high school.
    It made its way to my English teacher’s desk, who gave me extra credit. Unfortunately, she missed the submission deadline for a national high school poetry anthology.
    I hope to share that poem in another challenge through The Unsealed.

    Donna Lee Murphy

    Voting starts October 18, 2024 12:00am

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    • Donna, this is such a good poem. Just making people smile is your gift. You bring the joy to people’s lives. You are the person who brightened that teacher’s day! Although your grade may not have shown it, your positivity is what brought it to life. I can’t wait to hear the poem you never released. I hope that you share it soon!!

      Write me back 

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