  • lorrainecregar submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a poem about a dream (or goal) that came trueWrite a poem about a dream (or goal) that came true 1 months ago


    Has it really been thirty years
    since that first trip to the Bahamas?
    Since I had to white-knuckle
    turbulent skies and roiling seas?
    Wasn’t I afraid to make such
    a journey alone?

    Did I expect my singlehood to be
    satisfied by the billions of
    stars in the night sky?
    Or by that diamond tennis bracelet
    I purchased, no longer in style?

    Did I think my loneliness would
    be relieved by my friend, Tom Clancy?
    Or maybe by the stateroom upgrade I
    was offered as a first-time cruiser?

    Was it desperation that led to
    sex with a stranger I picked up
    among the pulsing and gyrating
    of the disco?

    It was courage.

    Lorraine Cregar

    Voting starts October 18, 2024 12:00am

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    • Lorraine, I love this! Your courage is so admirable and I am so glad that you got to experience things that you wouldn’t have normally done if it weren’t for that! Spontaneous events are often the most memorable… clearly they were fro you ♥ Great work

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