  • It Comes Naturally

    I feel like we forget sometimes that it’s not about sharing our story but the wisdom that comes from the experiences.

    You don’t have to have everything figured out to be great. It is who you are naturally.
    You just have to be you.
    And continue to be you.
    That is your power.
    Because no one else can do that
    It’s all you.

    And knowing that
    is the greatest thing you could ever know.

    I feel like we get caught up in trying new things
    or trying to figure out life
    that we forget to check in.
    To check in with the one who got us this far in the first place.
    It’s important to check in
    it keeps you balanced
    and connected
    to the source.
    The source within

    Maggie Jane

    Voting starts November 5, 2024 12:00am

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