  • thorntem submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a poem about a dream (or goal) that came trueWrite a poem about a dream (or goal) that came true 1 months, 1 weeks ago

    A Dream of Magic

    A Dream of Magic
    By Emily Thornton

    As the youngest
    I was given chances to test
    Different sports, jobs, hobbies
    My parents didn’t jest

    Reading was my bread
    And imagination, my peanut butter.
    One thing brought it to life
    The world of magic.

    I am not talking little childish tokens
    But large elaborate illusions.
    The first rule of learning magic
    Never tell how the trick was done.

    My mother gave me the chance
    To perform tricks at her office.
    By chance a news anchor
    Had come to cover the event.

    A burst of courage,
    A twist of fate
    She invited me to perform
    On the morning news!

    I was elated, a youth
    Such as myself
    I had to create
    A whole routine.

    Perhaps fate decided
    The best date
    Fell on the morning
    Of All Hallows Eve.

    The crack of dawn
    Where light only makes a hint
    Packed up my tricks, In my too big coat
    I was off to the stage.

    I remember the stage
    So small, but gargantuan on tv.
    I shared space with the Chef
    Who taught how to make tacos.

    Then it was my turn,
    Miked up and read to go
    The camera turned on me
    Colors and streamers abound.

    What a fun day was had,
    The anchors made me laugh
    Kids at school saw me
    While eating their breakfast.

    Honestly, these tricks and magic
    Helped keep me grounded
    When my world tended to collapse
    With reality and hardship.

    Today when I show my sons
    That magic is real
    And enhance my magical life
    Into a side business of tarot.
    I think back on that day
    And twist of fate
    That made my life truly magical,
    A dream made real.

    Emily the Magnificent

    Voting starts October 18, 2024 12:00am

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    • Awww, Emily. This is so cute. I love that you keep your childhood with you and keep your magical side in touch for both you and your children. It’s crazy how the most random memories like these can affect us in so many ways. I’m glad you got to experience this ♥

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