  • thepennydiaries submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a poem about a dream (or goal) that came trueWrite a poem about a dream (or goal) that came true 1 months, 1 weeks ago

    One Hundred Thousand Dollars

    A dream of mine for as long as I could remember,
    inspired by my father, my most successful family member.

    One hundred thousand dollars was the name of the game.
    How could it be attained?

    A dream I was not sure I would be able to reach
    as an art and psychology major living at the beach.

    Why not try working in the same industry as my Dad?
    After all, he was the closest example I had.

    Once out of school, I dove into the pool of oil and gas,
    an unlikely industry for me, but alas,
    I wanted the money as fast as I could
    so I got to work as any good girl should.

    It’s 2011 at twelve dollars an hour
    no wonder one hundred thousand dollars seemed like such a tall tower.

    Pushing my art and psychology degrees away,
    I found my self grinding and climbing, thinking this is the way.

    7 years later, I am a divorced single mom,
    still chasing that dream and losing my calm.

    With security as my main motivation,
    I was suddenly promoted to Supervisor of Training Administration.

    One hundred thousand dollars, something I thought I would never reach,
    was now in my hands while living at the beach!

    What now I wonder as I look down at my check,
    thinking, what could be next?
    Is this the life I want to be living?
    Sitting in an office years passing unforgiving?

    Fast forward the year is 2021,
    I’m still working and coming undone.

    What happened next is nothing I could have ever imagined,
    instead of living a life unexamined
    I decided to leave the job, the money,
    in search of something sweeter than honey.

    What is that? What could it be?
    It’s happiness only found by looking within me.

    As soon as I left a weight was lifted
    and 2 weeks later the universe gifted me
    an unexpected windfall almost matching my salary.

    With this newfound freedom it was clear to me
    I had a wonderful new opportunity –
    to relax, unwind, take care of my mind,
    and learn to live a life aligned.

    A couple weeks later married my best friend, my twin flame you could say,
    who shows me it’s ok to be yourself everyday.

    Now my days are spent with my husband and son,
    money flowing in unexpected ways and it’s only just begun.


    Voting starts October 18, 2024 12:00am

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    • Khara, I love this! Setting goals for ourselves can help us grow in so many different ways. I am so glad that you got to experience this happiness and that you got to flourish in both your personal and monetary endeavors. Great work, so proud of you! ♥

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