  • leebothegood submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a poem about a dream (or goal) that came trueWrite a poem about a dream (or goal) that came true 1 months, 1 weeks ago


    So I had a dream about my wife,( the problem was I wasn’t married) I had looked continuously and came up unsuccessful, my assistant pastor, told me to quit looking and give half my cell phone bill to God and put on there GDS( GOD’S DATING SERVICE) and I did , well I decided slip and call a dating service ( my cell phone bill was a 1,000 dollars) but I met a girl from South Dakota I’m from SC, well she told me about her friend and her friend and I hit it off, we talked for 2 hours minimum every night.On August 8th we would finally meet, we spent the week together, i decided to drive her home unexpectedly in my 94 Nissan truck and I didn’t check NOTHING, I met her family and we hit it off ( AMAZING PEOPLE) Connie would move down with me and on Feb 25, 2005, we would get married.She is my best friend and my dream wasn’t fake.NEVER DOUBT GOD.

    Leroy bragg

    Voting starts October 18, 2024 12:00am

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    • Leroy, I love this! I am so happy for you! Sometimes taking a chance like you did will bring you so much joy! Clearly, you made the right choices. So happy that you found a person like this. Keep up the great work.

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