  • Little Me

    Dear little me,
    The way you dance like the world is your stage
    Is something you’ll do even as you age
    You say everything on your mind
    Without realizing it might not be kind
    But you never mean to hurt anyone
    You’re just trying to have a little fun
    After all, you are little me
    The little girl who wishes to see
    Everything as far as the moonshine beams

    You love to climb trees and be one with nature
    Always looking out for your next big adventure
    A love you’ll carry with you in the future
    As you grow up to be a bloomer
    Don’t ever hold back on how you flourish
    For one day, you’ll have others you will nourish

    You are fire
    You are light
    You are doing everything right
    You may only be five
    But I hope you grow up to thrive

    Yours truly, future you.

    Marcella L.

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Marcella, this is so sweet. I love it when I get to meet curious and talkative kids, they are so innocent, yet ready to become experienced in so many different aspects. She would be happy to know that she will become an amazing adult who is so wise and inspirational to others! Keep doing what you’re doing. ♥

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