
    So lovely.
    Say it with me, so lovely.
    The whispers constantly there, who owns them?
    The feeling constantly fear, who hones it?
    The path constant effort, Let’s show it.
    Freestyle life, whispers *hone it*
    Perseverance, *renowned it*
    Simplicity, always rejoicing in it.
    Warrior, no beef, peace, humanitarian, fruitarian, little u.
    An open vessel. All emotions, wide open. let them all in now.


    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Wow, what a beautiful poem. Children are so fascinating to me. They are so innocent and every day that goes by they just learn more and more about the world they recently started living in. Little you would be so happy to know that they will grow up to be a wise and amazing person. Great work!

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