  • Dear little Sarah...

    I know you played a character for so long as “Shelby”, but to honor who you truly are, I’ll acknowledge you in your true identity. You deserve that.

    My dear, I love you so very much. As Dad put it so eloquently in his writings we found after his passing: you are an enigma. You are multidimensional in all of the most glorious ways, and you were never meant to fit into the boxes and molds this world tried to craft you into. When Mom wanted to make you a miniature version of herself based on her unhealed mindsets and heart postures, you beautifully resisted and for that, you will receive the utmost of glories when the time comes. Trust and surrender might have been challenging for us to learn, but your resilient mind and surrendered passions will take you places earthly carnal methods will never.

    Sarah–the most precious gift you will give the world is your tender heart and complex mind that is wholly yielded to a Power greater than your own. The world has enough prose about heroes overcoming the odds and making a name for themselves through hard work, endurance, and patience. Your story is mystical, imaginative, and organic to who you truly are. You are a pioneer who is unafraid of paths that others would scream “NO” to. These paths will bring you to places where you can pour out the most profound love onto those who sorely need it. Selfless love can be so rare in a world that seeks to shut hope down at every turn. You are a glory carrier—a child ready to say “YES” to divinely inspired insane ideas while leaving everything comfortable and known behind for the pursuit of a Greater Glory.
    All of the traumatic events we walked through may have given you a foundation through which we have had to wade through murky waters, but the strength developed in the trenches will serve you through life.
    You are timeless, darling. You grow and change into how you are meant to, but the traits within your soul design pave gold dust for others who crave genuine purpose and meaning. They pave the way for those who genuinely wish to find Truth. The seekers. The ones tired of the mundane and crave the macabre. We will help them find Truth, through your surrender.

    You don’t worry about perfection anymore because you realize how little it matters. Letting what needs to simply exist and unfold into what it desires to become without human control and restriction is where you shine, and I am proud of how you overcame all the fear your parents instilled in you. Life isn’t so scary when you’re surrounded by safe people now, is it?

    Sarah—I love how you press forward into the challenge and endure like the champion you are. You have such a unique way of viewing the world that may make people scratch their heads at first and ask themselves, “Really?” But time proves you right—usually. Even if it isn’t about being right (it isn’t), how you allow people to discover themselves by being your friend is priceless and a treasure many are not prepared for but readily appreciate upon discovery. You captivate an audience when you do what you do best—perform on stage. You are so talented! I love how fearless you are when you perform on stage in front of the whole elementary school at age seven. I love how inquisitive you were at age eight when you asked Dad to bring home a microscope from his work and all biology slides available from his co-worker who taught 8th-grade life science. I am so impressed by your passion to learn and develop your drive to master what you’re genuinely passionate about. My girl, you have many passions and a curious drive for life. I am shocked, but not surprised at how many hobbies you have developed over time! I am glad you narrowed it down to a few and threw yourself into them. From coding websites, fashion design, bike riding, virtual gaming, cooking, and graphic design, you sure tried many things to see what would stick. I am glad that writing and reading were passions that stuck throughout our short thirty-three years on this planet. You have a talent for it, and I’m honored to show it to the world.
    We will create many beautiful works, little Sarah. I won’t let anyone silence your voice ever again. You deserve to be seen, known, and heard in ways that others never let you due to their flawed human nature.
    Keep fighting, young one. I love you.

    Shelby E Piper

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Sarah, I could not be more proud of you. Just by reading your letter I can already tell that you are an amazing person. Even though you faced some struggles in your life, you managed to get through them and succeed, despite what anyone would say. I am not at all surprised to hear you say that the effect of your energy on those around you is profound. Keep up the great work! ♥

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