  • To my inner happy child

    Dear Joy Spreader,

    When the curtain to a new day opened, you smiled. You saw everyday as a new day to spread joy. You were joyful to see a friend; you were joyful to see a family member; you were joyful to see your teacher; you were joyful about every little thing that happened. Sometimes nothing needed to happen, you looked up, saw clouds and that made you smile. When it rained, you found music in the rain, and you danced. All everyone heard was your giggles. Before long, they joined to laugh with you. People say, rain has music, but you danced even when there was sunshine. When mom made mango jam you danced around the house with joy. It’s like everything held some sort of special power to make you happy, everything had some kind of rhythm to make you dance. Now when I look back, I admire the easy, effortless way you grabbed happiness everywhere you were. It’s like you didn’t search for happiness, happiness always found you. I wish I could travel back in time to meet you again and carry that secret to happiness with me to my adulthood. Was it the simple way you loved everything and everyone? Or was it that you simply loved being happy all the time? Is love the secret? When it rained today, I heard the music of the rain. I remembered you and all I wanted to do is dance to that music, but I didn’t. Just simply doing that simple thing seemed complicated. I wondered how you did all those things so effortlessly. If I could travel back in time, I’d bring your joyful nature, the simple way you loved everyone and the carefree way you did everything. Perhaps, I need to remind myself: you are me and I am you. I may not need to search too far as within myself I have that seed of inspiration to bring forth a different version of myself when the curtain opens to a new day.

    Your Admirer "Adult Self"

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • I love this!! Seeing a little kid that is so happy all the time makes my day. Just because you aren’t a kid anymore doesn’t mean that the joy has to be gone! Happiness has evidently always been with you; so it may take some time to pull it out of you, but you will get there eventually. Joy is a journey, and it doesn’t come easy to everyone. Don’t give yourself a hard time when you don’t feel so happy, as we all have those days that suck sometimes. You’re not alone! ♥

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